immagine ridimensionata Promo 2

Le stufe a legna sono vietate? Scopritelo qui!

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe wet wood and coal ban is being rolled out from this year. Are wood burning stoves being banned? No. The problem isnโ€™t your stove, itโ€™s what you put in [โ€ฆ]

pericoli dei tronchi non stagionati, differenze tra tronchi stagionati e non stagionati

Cosa sono i tronchi stagionati e non stagionati

Reading Time: 3 minutesPicture the scene, Winter. Dark nights. Rain, or even worse snow! Itโ€™s the time of year where we like to gather together, get cosy and keep warm. Simple, right? Wrong! [โ€ฆ]

come stagionare la legna da ardere, legna da ardere, tronchi stagionati

Come stagionare la legna da ardere

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn this blog post, weโ€™ll cover how to correctly season your firewood as well as covering any questions you may have around the process.

acquisto di una cippatrice, guida, cippatrice, trituratore da giardino

Guida all'acquisto di una cippatrice

Reading Time: 8 minutesThis complete guide to buying a wood chipper will help you to understand all the advantages, disadvantages and other factors you must take note of before committing to a purchase.


Spaccalegna elettrico - Di quale tonnellaggio ho bisogno?

Reading Time: 5 minutesSo youโ€™re looking at purchasing a log splitter, and figured electric is the way to go due to its simplicity? Good choice. But now youโ€™re stuck on how powerful do you need your electric log splitter to be?

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